In a post war-torn galaxy an elite band of survivors known as the Resistance are in a race against time to destroy the evil demigod Balam. His full power and wrath are contained in a cursed relic known as The Anathema. Temporarily sealed away by the last of the Phoenexile tribe until his legion of undead Necrodians can succeed in freeing their master.
Rescued from the Necrodian’s harvest camps a mysterious human named Jake Weaver joins the Resistance alongside his new allies Eugene (a conjurer of fire) and his close companion, and cybernetic co-pilot MAC-A485. Together under the orders of the Resistance they will travel to the ends of the universe together to discover the secret to destroying Balam once and for all.
Tom Savage welcomes you to a world of magic, mystery, adventure, laughter and horror in this new and highly anticipated science fiction drama series.
Welcome to the world of The Anathema.
Rescued from the Necrodian’s harvest camps a mysterious human named Jake Weaver joins the Resistance alongside his new allies Eugene (a conjurer of fire) and his close companion, and cybernetic co-pilot MAC-A485. Together under the orders of the Resistance they will travel to the ends of the universe together to discover the secret to destroying Balam once and for all.
Tom Savage welcomes you to a world of magic, mystery, adventure, laughter and horror in this new and highly anticipated science fiction drama series.
Welcome to the world of The Anathema.